XFORM provides mediation, training, and coaching for groups and individuals to cultivate conflict resilience.


Mediation is a process of facilitated dialogue and collaborative problem solving.

Mediators at XFORM provide an informal, confidential structure to deconstruct problems, link interests/goals, and identify creative solutions. 

As advocates for all parties involved, XFORM mediators help (individuals) process emotions, reframe issues, negotiate, and transform conflict.

In addition to addressing the conflict at hand, mediation equips participants with effective conflict resolution skills and empowers them to better address future challenges.

Advantages of Mediation

  • Participant-driven outcomes

  • Equitable representation for all parties

  • Lasting solutions with shared accountability

  • Stronger relationships

  • Gets to core (of) underlying issues


Trainings are interactive learning experiences that build conflict resilience.

XFORM trainers equip individuals and groups with techniques and tools to address personal, organizational, and systemic challenges.

In elicitive workshops, participants explore their own experiences through a conflict resolution lens.

Trainings can be tailored to a groups’ specific goals, priorities, and challenges.


  • Practical skills and knowledge

  • Team building

  • Conflict resolution methods and mechanisms

  • Promotes culture of collaboration


Conflict Coaching is a one-on-one  process that helps individuals to gain skills and perspective to better manage and approach conflict.

Through conflict coaching, XFORM clients reflect on an acute or ongoing conflict, determine potential courses of action, and develop interaction strategies to effectively maintain relationships.


  • Consider a range of options to address challenges

  • Designed approach to a specific conflict(s)

  • Confidence through skilled and thoughtful conflict management

  • Introspective reflection and feedback

  • Develop tools and skills to aid in future conflict